Author: ww-admin

The Official Publication of the Church of God of Prophecy

Mission Focus: Senegal

The following photo is of Brother Djiedjou and his entire family. This man was not only a believer in a faith that is antagonistic toward the Christian faith, but also served as a fetish priest for his family and the village. He was brought to Ziguinchor, the capital of the Casamas region of Senegal by a …

Mission Focus: Botswana

I am pleased to announce that the COGOP Women’s Empowerment Project in Botswana registered a major milestone recently with the signing of a contract for a tenant to run a creche/nursery school effective January, 2014. The school will pay rent to the church for the use of the three class rooms, an office, and play …

One Child Fund

Meet Anusha and Satyanarayana Nanaparapu. They are siblings who live together at the Church of God of Prophecy Mission Home for Children in Rajahmundry, India. Anusha is 14 years old and in the ninth grade, her brother Satyanarayana is 11 years old and in the fifth grade. Before they came to live at the orphanage, …

A Personal Witness from Cathy Payne

John and I were blessed to be among the delegates for this conference and were so blessed to be among our family and among the leadership of this region for a season. As time continues and tensions rise in this part of the world, we are grateful for the protection of our Savior and the …

Seven-Year-Old Boy Tortured and Murdered for Christian Faith

Gospel for Asia reported the death of a seven year-old boy, Anmol, murdered because of his Christian faith. The boy went missing after attending Sunday school at Believers Church on November 17, 2013, in northern India, the organization reported. Previous threats and persecution of his family indicate he was targeted because of his family’s faith. …